Thursday, November 11, 2010

Panoramic Camera Revisited

I have become obsessed with panoramic cameras recently (caught the bug in 2006, then lost it, then caught it again). Here's a recent panorama shot on the Berkeley campus with a 1980's Horizont Russian swing lens panoramic camera. It's not a great photo or anything, I just like that there's a lot of stuff happening in the frame.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I love this beautiful panoramic shot of campus. I'm a student in the law school, and found it while looking for a photo to use on the home page of the law school's new center on Mindfulness in Law. Would it be ok if we used it, and credited you? It has a peaceful, scenic quality to it that would work well for our purposes. Here's the unpublished web page, we used your photo pending your approval:

    Please feel free to contact me directly at if you'd like to discuss. Thanks for your consideration!
