Monday, December 20, 2010

Pseudo Panorama with Olympus XA and Kentmere 400 film

Stitched digital panoramas have become popular, especially after Photoshop CS2 or CS3 introduced stitching in software. Back in the day people used to do it simply by aligning the images and trying their best. I guess the misalignment adds to originality.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Street Photography with Olympus XA1

A week or so ago I bought a 100-foot long bulk roll of Kentmere ISO 400 black and white film (made by Ilford) and started shooting bw film that I also develop at home (or in the lab). I take this little camera with me (Olympus XA1, 35mm fixed lens f/2.8) and shoot whatever looks interesting. The nice thing is - people don't feel intimidated by this tiny camera.

The whole idea is shoot randomly, find something interesting and then try to recreate it again later. With better framing.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Restoring a Roamer II Folding Camera

This was my pet project for the past 2 weeks. Here are three photos: one before and two after. More at:

Shooting with a Cellphone

I have a generic Tmobile phone with a crappy 2Mp camera but sometimes this is all I have on me. Of course your iPhones and Droids can do better. One is of Toyotaka and Pim talking about polymerase in the 6th floor of Stanley. Another one is from the Istanbul airport in late October.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Walk in the Golden Gate Park at Sunset

There was little light at this point, so I guessed 1/30th of a sec exposure at f/5.6 (iso 400 BW film). The negative was a bit underexposed, but it came out ok.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hipster Central

From a trip to SF this weekend. San Francisco hipsters are much nicer than Berkeley hipsters. Just my opinion.

Late Afternoon on a Friday in October

Shot with Horizont russian camera from the '80s on generic pharmacy film.